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Re: [debian-knoppix] Rebooting

hi there,

On Mon, May 05, 2003 at 07:53:52PM -0700, Isabella wrote:
> No, If I set knoppix up as a server in a colo, that wont do. Automation!

i think the best thing to do is to not use knoppix for such a situation.
if you're remotely adminning a box at a colo, you don't need kde and
all that fancy stuff anyway, right?  or do these servers not have
hard drives? :)

perhaps the next best thing is to customize your knoppix cd by removing
the cd-ejecting script completely.  look back in this mailing list
for a "customize knoppix" utility.  be warned, it takes up a good
amount of disk space...

or better yet, you could ask klaus to modify his script in the next
version of knoppix such that it doesn't eject the cd by default, but
waits about 5 seconds before reboot and gives the user a prompt like
"hit enter in the next 5 seconds to eject the cd", and then does the
"hit enter to reload cd tray", but otherwise reboots after the
additional delay.

just another $0.02 in the piggy bank...

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