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[debian-knoppix] roadmap, packages available via apt

hey hey,

so i put a slightly modified version of the roadmap
i proposed online:


also, i've created an apt repository that you can add to your sources.list
for knoppix-specific stuff.  currently it has everything that built
without trouble for an unpriviledged user using fakeroot.  i know at
least one package ftbfs, i'll look into it later. 

note that these are the packages right off klaus's site, so they still
have all the various issues talked about in the package audit.   i (and
whoever else has time/initerest) will now continue with debianizing the
packages, fixing violations, etc, but in the meantime, it's available via
apt at the following location:

deb http://cs.swarthmore.edu/~finney/debian-knoppix/packages /

i haven't written the script to do it yet, but the bootstrapping
knoppix should be as simple as[1]:

# debootstrap woody chrootdir
# echo deb http://cs.swarthmore.edu/~finney/debian-knoppix/packages / > chrootdir/etc/sources.list
# chroot chrootdir apt-get update && apt-get install knoppixpkg1 knoppixpkg2 ...

i'll be messing around with a way to create knoppix categories (like hwconfig,
desktop, etc), and a wrapper script to install them and the above.  a quick
hack will be to keep package lists stored in /etc/debian-knoppix/ and just
install what's in each file.  

anyway, that's all for tonight.  feel free to suggest changes to anything,
and feel free to volunteer for any part you think you can help with. 


[1] you'll need to have a line in sources.list that lists possible dependencies
    too, of course
[2] ie: /var/lib/dpkg/status
[3] i still think we can do this with a non-static sysvinit, but it may take
    some time...

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