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[debian-knoppix] Re: Activating telnet

> From: "Dirk Kamp" <dirk@am-user.de>
> Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 00:16:25 +0100
> Subject: [debian-knoppix] KUSER deleted from knoppix 01.01.2003
> But, on my maschine more then one person works (a good friend works also on this) and in the version
> of 14.09.02 i have add new user with the tool "Kuser" but now, i can?t find it in the new version.
> Have you deleted it ?

Are talking about using Knoppix from CDROM or after knx-hdinstall?
Knoppix run from the CDROM is more or less effectively a single user
operating system, since the most important means of user separation are
disabled or at least weakend (for a good purpose): No password necessary
for "sudo -s", no login password for the standard knoppix user etc.

It is possible to use Knoppix still with more than one user for that
very CDROM session, the adduser command at the shell prompt will prepare
that as an example. It is more or less the equivalent tool to kuser,
albeit not graphical.

> on the damage debian CDs a "Kuser" tool is included. when i will install it with "apt-get install
> kuser", it will have a "kdelibs3". When i will install this, apt-get completly delete all the KDE
> programs and tools. 148 packages will it remove for only one lib ? Is this correkt ?  i have added
> all the debian CDs with "apt-cdrom add", but i meen on debian3 is only kde2.2 and not 3.
> what i can do, to install a Kuser tool from this cds (when i can use it with kde3) , but not delete
> the complete KDE ?

Well, that requires more a political than a technical answer: As you
might have mentioned has Knoppix far more recent program versions than a
Debian 3.0, KDE is the best example. I never figured out how the magic
agt/dpkg-magic works in detail but if you request a tool from the
classic Debian in the context of an old lib environment, you will more
or less downgrade major parts of your system.

That is of course so solution for your request to install kuser, but
maybe a background explanation, why this did not work out. Maybe some of
the more Debain involved people have an idea.

> Subject: [debian-knoppix] telnet at startup
> what i must do, that the telnetd startup at boot. At the moment i can start in.telnetd only in debug
> mode. after a time with no connect, telnetd stop automatical.

Standard network services (such as telnetd) are configured in
/etc/inetd.conf. The inetd in turn has to be started as well: create a
link in /etc/rc2.d to the appropiate start/stop-script in /etc/init.d,
or are there some special Debian commands for this as well, anyone?

However, the use of telnet is _strongly_ not recommended. It is a very
simple protocol that tranmits passwords in plain text. I suggest using
ettercap or ethereal some day to take a look at it.

The sshd is a quite good substitute for telnet, rlogin, rsh and all the
bunch of tools. There should be a K-Menu entry in your Knoppix "start
sshd". After this you can connect to the machine with "slogin
user@your.knoppix.host". There are ssh clients (slogin is one of them)
for all operating systems (putty.exe for Windows and I was even able of
installing a client on a Mac system).


Nils Magnus
Program-Chair LinuxTag 2003 Free Conference Program

LinuxTag 2003: Where .com meets .org - magnus@linuxtag.org
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