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[debian-knoppix] Broken wine in Knoppix 3.1


	I tried to use wine in Knoppix 3.1 for this [1] purpose and I found
these problems:

1) winesetup hangs because of removable devices entries (like a floppy
in a laptop) in /etc/fstab. The problem is solved with a # in the
appropiate line.

2) Once configured, wine crashes because of the installed libc. Problems
with libntdll.so that I solved with the crossover solution [2].

3) Now, once I have done #1 and #2, wine crashes because "he cannot
chdir /home/knoppix/.wine/.wineserver: not found" what seems to be a
problem of wineserver (?).

Any idea? It's only my problem? Did you get wine to work?

Best regards,




Antonio Zugaldia -> antonio@zugaldia.com -> azugaldia@yahoo.es
http://www.universala.org/ -> http://www.zugaldia.com/~antonio

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