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Kernel related problem (randomly failing tests), where to discuss?


In https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1003536 I described the 
problem in more detail, but I'll give the TL;DR here to determine the best 
place/ML to discuss the issue further.

TL;DR: The iwd program deliberately/explicitly uses kernel features/modules 
for some of its functionality. It also has a number of tests, but they fail 
(or succeed) a bit (too) random, because whether a kernel module is loaded or 
not depends on several factors:
- kernel configuration, which differs per ARCH and kernel version
- detected (virtual) hardware which causes the (auto-)loading of loadable (=m) 
kernel modules
(- 'environmental' factors like other processes that run or ran on that 

In 'extremis' this can mean that a test performed on arm64-buildd-1 fails, 
while it succeeds on arm64-buildd-2, because of a (slight) HW difference.

On my own hardware I have complete freedom to fix that by modprobe-ing needed 
kernel modules. But (AFAIK) I have less freedom on Salsa CI, even less on 
autopkgtest/ci.debian.net and (essentially?) none on buildd, assuming it's 
even (technically) possible.

OTOH, you want tests to consistently fail or succeed and not be dependent on 
chance. (Reproducible Builds may be relevant here too)

Has this problem been discussed before? If so, could someone point me to that? 
If not, where would the best place be to discuss this?


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