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Re: [External] Re: Lenovo and Debian

On Thu, 2019-09-12 at 21:31 +0000, Mark Pearson wrote:
> <moving thread to debian-kernel list as requested - thanks Ben>
> > In Debian unstable we will move to 5.3 shortly after it is released, depending on
> > whether there are important regressions or integration to be resolved.
> > 
> > Debian 10 "buster" will always have a 4.19-based kernel, but users can opt to
> > install newer kernel versions from buster-backports.
> > 
> As our customer wants a 5.2.9 kernel, I believe they will be using
> the buster-backports package for that (I'll confirm). If we want to
> enable the SOF driver and it's options by default are there any
> pointers about how I would do that? Is it just a case of pasting the
> CONFIG_ settings to this email thread or is something more subtle
> required (defconfig snippet etc)?

A list of config changes is fine.  They should preferably go in a bug
report on "src:linux" (and all such bug reports will also appear on
this list).  All drivers should be configured as modules, so far as

From my reading of the Kconfig help for SOF, it looks like the driver
would currently only be useful on x86 but that is likely to change in
future.  Please specify which architectures you think the config
changes should apply to.


Ben Hutchings
Beware of bugs in the above code;
I have only proved it correct, not tried it. - Donald Knuth

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