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Bug#783063: Xen domU freeze with "Guest Rx stalled"


Quick question: do you consider this a guest kernel bug or a dom0
kernel bug?

I ask, because in the last two months I have now seen it three

I recently deployed three jessie dom0 servers as part of a rolling
upgrade (everything else is wheezy or older at this stage). Within a
few weeks of putting customers on the first one I saw this "Guest Rx
stalled" one one customer VM.

I had a look at the customer VM and it was a really old Ubuntu 8.04
thing with a 2.6.18 kernel, hopelessly old, so I advised them to
upgrade it.

A few weeks later I saw it again and this time it was an old Debian
VM with 2.6.26+xen patches. Still pretty ancient and not in a shape
to report a bug on, so again I advised them to upgrade to a
supported release.

Now today I've seen it but this time it is a Debian jessie install.
I'm not completely sure of the kernel in use there but I imagine it
will be stock jessie package.

As for dom0 side of things, that's jessie with

So… if this is guest kernel bug, good that I don't have to reboot
into a new kernel, but bad in that I don't have direct control over
what kernels the customer VMs use.

If I see it again with a jessie VM I will report it as a bug. Here
or in a new bug?


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