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Bug#703485: [3.2->3.8.3 regression] Battery not detected on Dell Latitude E5530

# regression
severity 703485 important

Hi Jean-Christophe,

Jean-Christophe Dubacq wrote:

> While trying to resolve stability issues with the testing linux image,
> I tried kernel 3.8 in experimental. I fully understand that this kernel
> may not be used in production. However, when booting with this kernel,
> the battery is not detected (and thus, laptop-detect thinks that it is
> a desktop computer, which it is not). Of course, no /proc/acpi/BAT0 is
> created, which makes system tools not work. I think the problem lies
> in the kernel because of this.
> The first significant difference that I see in the logs is:
> -ACPI Error: [DCK9] Namespace lookup failure, AE_ALREADY_EXISTS (20121018/dswload2-330)

Please report this upstream at bugzilla.kernel.org, product ACPI,
component Power-Battery, and let us know the bug number so we can
track it.

Be sure to include:

 - steps to reproduce the problem, expected result, actual result, and
   how the difference indicates a bug (should be simple enough)

 - which kernel versions you have tested and what happened with each

 - full "dmesg" output from an affected and unaffected boot, as

 - "acpidump" output, as an attachment

Hopefully the upstream developers may have ideas for further tracking
the problem down from that point.

Then if you'd like to track this down further before hearing back from
them, a good way can be to try versions halfway between the newest
known-good and oldest known-bad kernels from
<http://snapshot.debian.org/package/linux/>, which can help narrow down
the search for the problematic patch.

Hope that helps,

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