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xen kernel features

Hi all,

I am trying to migrate my XEN 3.2 installation to XEN 4.0, on a 64-bit
The dom0 kernel is 2.6.32-5-xen-amd64.

I have run into a few problems:

 - The current xen-utils-4.0 does not support KVM guests, only PV. 
    (This has nothing to with the kernel, though)

 - PCI passthru to PV guests does not work, because
CONFIG_XEN_PCI_PASSTHROUGH is disabled in kernel config.

 - USB passthru via PVUSB does not seem to work, because the required
PVUSB drivers are not available in the kernel.

Could someone please advise me a solution to these problems?
(Or at least give me some insight into the reasons why these don't work,
when will they, and what am I supposed to do until then.)

Thank you for your help:

    Kristof Csillag

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