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DKMS in squeeze

Dear DKMS maintainers,

The Debian kernel team held a series of face-to-face meetings in
Portland this week <http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKernel/Meetings>.  One
of the issues we discussed was auto-building out-of-tree modules.

Currently we have the "conglomeration" source packages
(linux-modules-extra-2.6, linux-modules-nonfree-2.6, and formerly
linux-modules-contrib-2.6) which build binaries from a number of
packaged module sources.  Among other problems, this does not create a
relationship between the real source and binary packages that can be
used by the archive software (dak) to keep them together, which raises
the risk of Debian being unable to comply with GPL conditions.  So we
cannot continue to build these.

The official minutes will be sent out later, but the key decisions we
resolved for this item were:
- the "conglomeration" packages will be removed
- a few important out-of-tree modules will be included in the linux-2.6
source package
- we will encourage maintainers of other out-of-tree module packages to
support DKMS

The result is that DKMS may become more widely used in Debian in the
near future.  Please be prepared for this!


Ben Hutchings
Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.

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