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Bug#541677: i8k at fault

It seems the i8k module is at fault.

With the i8kmon process running, the machine crashes in a small number of
minutes (it stutters and pauses for a few seconds at a time and gets worse
and worse until it panics).

If I instead run at the console:

while cat /proc/i8kmon ; do : ; done,
it outputs a few lines with sane temperatures, stutters a few times, and
then panics a small number of seconds later, always, I think, having
something to do with "coretemp" as in this posted bug report.

It could even be the BIOS of the machine at fault.  It's on A02, the
current version is A12,
and A07 changelog said something about the thermal control (if only I
could work out how to upgrade the blasted bios without their windows only

> aibohphobia, n., The fear of palindromes
And here I thought it was the fear of robotic Japanese dogs.
  -- Tom "Tom" Harrington

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