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Bug#485609: Problem with device renaming and grub after clean install

Hi Frans,

I know we discussed this lomg ago but I finally got around to trying the
workaround and even some derivative ideas. None of this is critical but I send
it to you as some general feedback. I read over the errata you referred to and
the directions you referred to as well.

First, I tried to fix the drive naming on the actively installed kernel by
blacklisting the pata_sis module using /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist. This had no
effect on the module or the drive device assignment. I tried blacklisting the
sis5513 module also to no avail. That seemed really strange to me. Then again I
am not entirely positive how changing that on the file system is going to
carryover to the next boot process.

Then I tried to run the same installer snapshot using either

installgui sis5513.blacklist=yes
installgui pata_sis.blacklist=yes

...like you suggested. In both cases the kernel responded with an option
unrecognized, option ignored message at the very beginning of the boot process.
So it seems as though I can't use those arguments for some reason. Sorry to be a
pest, but I thought you should know that the suggestion didn't work for me. It
is very strange that the blacklisting didn't work either. If you have any
recommendations let me know. After the upcoming freeze I will retest this whole
process again. It won't hurt me a bit and it may well start working.

Would a problem with the blacklisting argument be serious? Or did I overlook


Matthew McGuire

Frans Pop wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 June 2008, Frans Pop wrote:
>> Which gets loaded is somewhat random and apparently the installer used
>> the second (setting the system up to use /dev/hda), while after the
>> reboot the first was used (changing the device name to /dev/sda).
> You can work around this issue by blacklisting one of the modules when you 
> boot the installer:
> http://www.debian.org/releases/testing/i386/ch05s02.html.en#installer-args
> For example:
> sis5513.blacklist=yes

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