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Bug#481104: [Pkg-cryptsetup-devel] /usr/sbin/update-initramfs: update-initramfs edits /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/cryptroot

David Härdeman wrote:
On Sun, July 6, 2008 17:54, gpall@ccf.auth.gr‚ wrote:
maximilian attems wrote:
right send output of
a) sh -x mkinitramfs -o /tmp/foo
b) sh -x update-initramfs -u
Sending requested outputs a) -> out1, b) -> out2

Ok, I see the problem.

During the initramfs build, mkinitramfs will ln -s all config files into
the build dir. Later when the cryptsetup hook is executed it will write
config lines to the cryptroot config file in the build dir (which is
linked to the /etc... file outside the build dir).

I'm not 100% sure how we should solve this (why do you have a cryptroot
file by the way? It's supposed to be a cryptsetup internal config file)

If I understood your question well, my answer is this: I have /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/*cryptroot containing the line:
because I have my root partition sitting on LVM, which sits on LUKS. So, somehow the initrd image must know that it has to find a LUKS partition and ask me for its passphrase.

I hope I'm not talking nonsense. When I tried to set up encrypted root partition, I used googling, a bit hacking and imagination. So, there is the possibility that an easier method eludes me.


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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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