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Bug#466754: linux-image-2.6.24-1-amd64: AMD64 Dual-Core clock skew of 2.5%

I have discovered that /etc/default/adjtimex contained a TICK value of 9750, which exactly accounts for the 2.5% loss of time exactly.

I continue to investigate how the file obtained this value -- an error in either the ntp or the adjtimex packages comes to mind -- but this bug can be closed.

I highly recommend that anyone who is investigating clock skew use the README and tools available with ntpclient, <http://doolittle.icarus.com/ntpclient/>.

Moshe Yudkowsky * moshe@pobox.com * www.pobox.com/~moshe
 "The sharpest knives are also the quietest."
   			 -- John M. Ford, _The Final Reflection_

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