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Re: [kernel] r9069 - in dists/trunk/firmware-nonfree: . debian iwl3945

Frans Pop wrote:
> But then, you also get loads of modules for which you don't have hardware 
> if you install a linux-image-* package...

linux-image-* are free, the firmwares are not. i'd like to have only
minimal bits of non-free/binary-only stuff on my system.

however, this is just me.

> I'd agree with Bastian that avoiding unnecessary package fragmentation is 
> good. In theory, you could even go so far as to lump together are 
> wireless drivers in one binary package, though it probably makes sense to 
> keep drivers separate if they have dependencies on other packages in the 
> archive.

no problem, so i'll merge firmware-iwl* to firmware-iwlwifi?

what about ipw2100, ipw2200 and ipw3945?
the first two ones require a interactive license agreement by the user
(like the one sun-java* packages have), the last one not. should i add
ipw2100/ipw2200 as individual packages, or would you prefere to have a
new single one for al ipw* firmwares?

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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