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Re: 2.6.13, experimental and 2.6.14-rc ...

On Wed, 5 Oct 2005 18:25:40 +0200, Sven Luther <sven.luther@wanadoo.fr> said: 

> On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 12:12:10PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
>> d-i contains code to install and set up initrd-tools. The
>> likelyhood of yaird or initramfs-tools working everywhere with no
>> d-i changes is zero.

> Ah, ...

> Well, ideally i believe it would be the responsability of the kernel
> package to set that up, but this is probably not going to happen
> until we get ride of kernel-package or rewrite it to some extent.

        Way to go about setting up cooperative changes. Why am I not

        The only reason we have images that are marked "initrd" is
 the possibility that the kernel may not have the driver for the root
 file system compiled in, and would need an initial root file system
 somehow. If the various options -- creating  initrd or initramfs --
 can be selected by each user on the target machine at install time,
 and would all work equally well, one can just try each of the init
 image creation tools in succession.

        As far as I can see, there is no special config option
 required to distinguish between initrd and initramfs, so that is not
 a concern.

        I have not seen any differences in the naming conventions of
 the init images produced, so the naming of the destination of the
 init image is not an issue either.

> Now, i installed yaird, and the only modification i had to do to my
> /etc/kernel-img.conf was to set the mkinitrd-hook, or whatever this
> one was called to point to yaird instead of mkinitrd, and it worked
> out of the box, and since a solution using this would use an
> automatically replacement solution, i think there should be no major
> problem for yaird at least, not sure about initramfs-tools though.

Jonas> This seems to be the same for initramfs-tools:
Jonas>   ramdisk = /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs
Jonas> I have not tested how that works with LVM and mdadm.

        So, if there is an explicit value, use that, or else fall back
 through any of mkinitrd, mkinitramfs, or yaird, which happen to be


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Manoj Srivastava     <srivasta@acm.org>    <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>
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