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Re: Sarge kernels and Volatile

* Horms (horms@debian.org) [050801 08:23]:
> I am wondering if others thing that volatile is a good
> place for us to make uploads of updated 2.6.8 and 2.4.27 kerels for
> Sarge? This would allow us to remove these kernels from unstable/testing
> and still provide maintenence releases for users.

Well, my basic approach to that is that nobody of the volatile team can
really do security stuff (or otherwise debugging) for the kernels. So,
if the kernel team is able and willing to do that, we could go that way.
But anything that is in volatile needs to be security-supported till the
distribution is archived (and the security support won't be done by the

Also, you might consider if the current approach to rebuild the kernels
is the best one (but that's of course up to you as long as you do the
work :).


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