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Re: status of 2.6.7 ?

[I am not subscribed to debian-kernel.]

On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 09:06:39PM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 04:57:12PM +0000, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> > * XFree starts treating /dev/psaux and /dev/input/mice equally if both
> >   are listed, i.e. it will work if _either_ of them are accessible
> >   instead of insiting on the primary one.
> A huge XFree86 Change probably, i don't know that code so well, so am
> CCing debian-x for advice.

No, just a bit of (attempted) cleverness in the generated XF86Config-4

Here's the logic from the dexconf command.  The "cleverness" is documented at
line 400.

   349  if [ "$FORMAT" = "3" ]; then
   350    fetch shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/mouse/port
   351    MOUSE_PORT="$RET"
   352    fetch shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/mouse/protocol
   354    fetch shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/mouse/emulate3buttons
   355    if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then
   356      DO_EMULATE3BUTTONS=true
   357    fi
   358    fetch shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/mouse/zaxismapping
   359    if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then
   360      DO_ZAXISMAPPING=true
   361    fi
   362    printf "Section \"Pointer\"\n" > "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   363    printf "\tDevice\t\t\"$MOUSE_PORT\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   364    printf "\tProtocol\t\"$MOUSE_PROTOCOL\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   365    if [ -n "$DO_EMULATE3BUTTONS" ]; then
   366      printf "\tEmulate3Buttons\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   367    fi
   368    if [ -n "$DO_ZAXISMAPPING" ]; then
   369      printf "\tZAxisMapping\t4 5\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   370    fi
   371    printf "EndSection\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   372  else # $FORMAT == 4
   373    fetch xserver-xfree86/config/inputdevice/mouse/port
   374    MOUSE_PORT="$RET"
   375    fetch xserver-xfree86/config/inputdevice/mouse/protocol
   377    fetch xserver-xfree86/config/inputdevice/mouse/emulate3buttons
   378    if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then
   379      DO_EMULATE3BUTTONS=true
   380    fi
   381    fetch xserver-xfree86/config/inputdevice/mouse/zaxismapping
   382    if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then
   383      DO_ZAXISMAPPING=true
   384    fi
   386    printf "Section \"InputDevice\"\n" > "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   387    printf "\tIdentifier\t\"Configured Mouse\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   388    printf "\tDriver\t\t\"mouse\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   389    printf "\tOption\t\t\"CorePointer\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   390    printf "\tOption\t\t\"Device\"\t\t\"$MOUSE_PORT\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   391    printf "\tOption\t\t\"Protocol\"\t\t\"$MOUSE_PROTOCOL\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   392    if [ -n "$DO_EMULATE3BUTTONS" ]; then
   393      printf "\tOption\t\t\"Emulate3Buttons\"\t\"true\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   394    fi
   395    if [ -n "$DO_ZAXISMAPPING" ]; then
   396      printf "\tOption\t\t\"ZAxisMapping\"\t\t\"4 5\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   397    fi
   398    printf "EndSection\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   400    # Only write this stanza -- designed for USB pointers -- if the Configured
   401    # Mouse isn't USB.  This isn't a problem even on systems without
   402    # CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSEDEV, because this is not the core pointer, and failure to
   403    # open it is not harmful.
   404    #
   405    # Also don't write this stanza if the Configured Mouse is the GPM repeater.
   406    # We have no way of knowing what device GPM is repeating for, and it might be
   407    # a USB mouse.
   408    if [ "$MOUSE_PORT" != "/dev/input/mice" -a "$MOUSE_PORT" != "/dev/gpmdata" ]; then
   409      printf "\nSection \"InputDevice\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   410      printf "\tIdentifier\t\"Generic Mouse\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   411      printf "\tDriver\t\t\"mouse\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   412      printf "\tOption\t\t\"SendCoreEvents\"\t\"true\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   413      printf "\tOption\t\t\"Device\"\t\t\"/dev/input/mice\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   414      printf "\tOption\t\t\"Protocol\"\t\t\"ImPS/2\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   415      if [ -n "$DO_EMULATE3BUTTONS" ]; then
   416        printf "\tOption\t\t\"Emulate3Buttons\"\t\"true\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   417      fi
   418      if [ -n "$DO_ZAXISMAPPING" ]; then
   419        printf "\tOption\t\t\"ZAxisMapping\"\t\t\"4 5\"\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   420      fi
   421      printf "EndSection\n" >> "$DEXCONFTMPDIR/InputDeviceMouse"
   422    fi
   423  fi

G. Branden Robinson                |
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      Ignorantia judicis est calamitas
branden@debian.org                 |      innocentis.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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