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Re: Question about Plasma 5.27.5 and Frameworks 5.106

Sedat Dilek - 19.05.23, 11:24:18 CEST:
> In my email-client:
> Reply: Martin Steigerwald
> Reply-all: Martin Steigerwald + ML <--- My default (dropping you each
> time is extra-time for me as well)

Well it is easy: I provided support. I did not ask for support. In case 
I decide to limit my time in providing support I will first drop 
answering to mails that are in copy to me. I.e. your mails. It is simple 
as that, cause I decide how I spend my time. And I may limit it, 
especially in case I feel a lack of respect for the time I use to help 
others along.

There can be reasons for CC to make someone aware of a mail one may 
otherwise miss. I don't need that. Especially I don't need that for a 
low volume mailing list like this. For each CC'd mail I receive two 
copies of the mail with mailing lists for the Debian community – mailing 
lists for the KDE community are set up differently. In case I reply to 
the wrong one, I break the thread. And it just happened with that thread 
already. I simply do not like to deal with this kind of hassle by 

Also please look at this Code of Conduct for Debian mailing lists:

"When replying to messages on the mailing list, do not send a carbon 
copy (CC) to the original poster unless they explicitly request to be 


Now you either respect my wish, or you don't. And I decide what I do 
with that.


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