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Re: Future of "his" packages in Debian


For me key is that we loose a very valuable contributor and great contribution!    Reasons for this are unclear to me. Why this demotion, are those who decide on this stating and communicating their reasons, better is this a group decision?


Op zo 23 jan. 2022 13:59 schreef Dietz Proepper <dietz@scanthis.de>:
Am Freitag, 21. Januar 2022, 01:11:44 CET schrieb Johannes Zarl-Zierl:
> > I never had any issues with Norbert.
> Full ACK.

+1. And also not with Marco, as far as I remember. Which comes with little
relevance, as we did not have much contact before.

> Let's always keep discussions civil and in good faith...

Well, but jftr, let's not forget who started this thread and in which way. At
the very least, citing the source of ones comments is quite basic IMNSHO.

Kindest regards,

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