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Re: Future of "his" packages in Debian

fallback Yes/No? Future will tell. If KDE team could use OBS infrastructure which Norbert build would that help the KDE team?

Op za 22 jan. 2022 13:53 schreef piorunz <piorunz@gmx.com>:
On 21/01/2022 06:47, Aurélien COUDERC wrote:
> Le 20 janvier 2022 23:09:30 GMT+01:00, piorunz <piorunz@gmx.com> a écrit :
>> On 20/01/2022 18:17, Marco Valli wrote:
>>>> by Norbert Preining · 2022/01/14
>>> Admittedly, this guy doesn't have much faith in the the Debian/Kde team. 😆
>>> Regards
>> Who is this clown again? 😂
> The Debian KDE team is a (small) handful of people maintaining both the Qt stack and the ~500 frameworks/plasma/apps packages on their free time.
> Lately Norbert was doing most of the later.
> More contributors are really welcome ! If you've always wanted to become a Debian contributor and are interested in the KDE stack, now is a perfect time.
> Join us on IRC, the handful is a friendly bunch of people.
> Best,
> --
> Aurélien

I didn't wanted to angry anyone. Apologies. But he kinda asked for it:

"I guess that  with me not taking action, frameworks, gears, and plasma
will fall back over time "


With kindest regards, Piotr.

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