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Re: Capslock / Numlock indicator not work in KDE (& sddm)

Jimmy Johnson 於 2019/11/27 下午2:08 寫道:
On 11/26/19 4:06 PM, Franklin Weng wrote:

Jimmy Johnson 於 2019/11/27 上午6:55 寫道:
On 11/26/19 11:26 AM, Shai Berger wrote:
For some reason, both Jimmy and Luca insist on connecting this to the
wrong problem:

On Tue, 26 Nov 2019 01:30:01 -0800
Jimmy Johnson <field.engineer@gmail.com> wrote:

On 11/25/19 7:10 AM, Franklin Weng wrote:
luca.pedrielli <agoiza@gmail.com> 於 2019年11月25日 週一 22:44

Numlock problems had already been reported


Not sure, but it looks like not the same problem.  My problem is
about the indicator not the status itself.  The NumLock/Capslock
status is correct according to the xset -q.

The settings for numlock have changed in testing kde5.
I think the systemsettings, input device module is suppose to be
handling numlock on/off at sddm start.

And Luca, later:



Everything Luca and Jimmy are mentioning is about the state of
numlock when sddm or plasma start.

This is *not* what Franklin or I are talking about. We are talking
about Caps/Num Lock being at the state they should be, as set by
pressing the relevant keys. It is only the visual indicators which are
not working -- the systray icons in plasma, and the caps-is-on warning
in the lock or login screen.

Listen to me! Remove your numlockx software,


go to /etc/sddm.conf and change it to on or off,


go to systemsettings and make sure keyboard, numlock is set to no change.


Do it and then come back


=> Login screen (taken from my phone, after all the settings above were
done of course), the CAPSLOCK warning is always shown


=> Status of Capslock is off, Numlock is on, but the indicator (red
frame in left and bottom-right corner) shows nothing.

Have you tried a different keyboard layout? 

Not too many, but yes. 

But as you may have known, no differences.

Also I've seen a new a package named 'numlock', remove it if it's installed.

It's never been installed in my Debian system.

and tell me I don't know what you're talking about. until then stuff a

You don't know what I'm talking about.

So do I have to stuff a sock now?

I don't know what you're doing. You look like a ms windows keyboard jockey in a gui environment. So until I know different, keep the sock stuffed.

Fortunately I don't understand what you mean.

Let me repeat Shai's quote, also my question:

Everything Luca and Jimmy are mentioning is about the state of
numlock when sddm or plasma start.

This is *not* what Franklin or I are talking about. We are talking
about Caps/Num Lock being at the state they should be, as set by
pressing the relevant keys. It is only the visual indicators which are
not working -- the systray icons in plasma, and the caps-is-on warning
in the lock or login screen.

I doubt if it is something wrong with D-bus, but I have no idea how to find the problem out.

When I asked in kde mailing list someone told me it should be Debian packager's issue.  And now in Debian-kde mailing list I have a pair of socks in my mouth.  You may or may not know, in 2017 KDE community selected one of the goals: onboarding and welcoming for newcomers[1].  However IMO until now the _core_ people still haven't seen the real problem of KDE community, which -- fortunately or unfortunately -- you all have shown a perfect example.


[1] https://mail.kde.org/mailman/private/kde-ev-membership/2019-October/037029.html

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