Re: Akregator 17.08 regressions
Hi Sandro.
Thank you for your feedback.
Sandro Knauß - 17.11.17, 22:44:
> > Still no back and forward navigation when following a link. Has been
> > already this way in Akregator 16.04.
> you mean back and forth for links you follow? context menu "back" and
> "forward"?
Yes. A long time ago there has been browser navigation buttons "back to
previous page", "forward to next page" (if gone back to previous one before)
in the toolbar. This was missing in 16.04 already, so no regression.
In which context menu do you see "back" and "forward"?
> > Also context menu for opening a link in a new browser gone.
> for me context menu has both entries:
> "Open in new tab"
> "Open in external browser"
Strange. Now it does here too.
This time I first opened the context menu on a link within article view (which
only shows the article as far as its in the feed directly), when it didn´t
work I had the article opened as a webpage in a new tab.
Hmmm, I can´t reproduce this at the moment. Strange.
That missing context menu entries have been my major issue, but I can´t
reproduce them now. Let´s see whether I find a pattern the next days, or
whether it simply works from now on.
> > Also it does not open links in a new tab anymore despite being configured
> > like this.
> I don't understand what you mean by this? As default behaviour?
Yes. And I know got the difference. It is not a regression.
The setting works in article view, but not when article is opened in extra tab
in the in-built webbrowser. But as I now remember this has been the same
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