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Install on stretch : feedback


I've updated my "stretch" laptop to Plasma 5 and here are
my first impressions w/r to the KDE4 desktop I've been
using until now :
- krunner (Alt+F2) shows always on top (no possibility
  to configure it to become "floating"
- no possibility to have different virtual desktops
- the cursor does not always change at windows' corners
  (to resize) ex. it works nice on icedove but not konsole
- can't place plasmoids where I want, some kind of
  "snap to grid" is on
- kdeconnect is working no more. I've installed the latest
  version from source but it does not work. I'll try to solve
  it with the kdeconnect team

Things that were different but I could find a solution myself :
- Oxygen fonts in konsole were "fuzzy". I've changed them to
  Deja Vu Sans Mono" and they look sharper
- Switching to classical start menu is obtained via "Alternatives"
  option and not directly in the menu


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