Re: kde daemon crashes
On 2012-07-07, Andreas v. Heydwolff <> wrote:
> Hello,
> may I tune in? Since many weeks when I have kde 4.8.3/now .4 running for
> half a day or day, okular, dolphin, and gwenview won't start any more.
> konqueror seems to be unaffected.
What do you mean with 'wont start'? do you get any feedback at all? what
if you try to launch the applicåations from konsole?
anytihng interested printed to .xsession-errors while starting the apps?
in one konsole tab/window, do tail -f .xsession-errors and try launch
the application from another tab/vwindow
> Could this be a problem related to the one discussed here?
Most likely not.
> I had hoped to get away with updating the whole system on a daily basis
> and the bug would "automagically" go away, but so far it didn't,
I don't believe in magic :)
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