Re: kde daemon crashes
may I tune in? Since many weeks when I have kde 4.8.3/now .4 running for
half a day or day, okular, dolphin, and gwenview won't start any more.
konqueror seems to be unaffected.
Usually logging out, killing all the user's kde processes if any are
left over, and logging in again will not suffice but I will have to
restart my amd64 "mainly Wheezy/a little bit of sid" system.
Could this be a problem related to the one discussed here?
I had hoped to get away with updating the whole system on a daily basis
and the bug would "automagically" go away, but so far it didn't,
although the amount of times seems to have increased (from 4 or 5 to 8
or 10 times) how often I can start another instance of okular and
dolphin until "session rot" sets in.
If it's not related, would anyone have any clues how to debug this behavior?
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