Fwd: Re: [kdepim-users] Testers needed for mail filtering
Dear Debian Qt/KDE packagers,
please consider to add commit
to any KDEPIM 4.8.(4|5) testing packages cause it aims to fix two nasty
bugs with mail filtering.
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Subject: Re: [kdepim-users] Testers needed for mail filtering
Date: Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2012
From: Andras Mantia <amantia@kde.org>
To: kdepim-users@kde.org
Andras Mantia wrote:
> Martin Steigerwald wrote:
>> Am Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2012 schrieb Andras Mantia:
>>> Hi,
>> Hi Andras!
>>> I pushed some changes to the mail filtering that should address at
>>> least the two most common bugs: mail content loss on piping through
>>> external filters (like spam filters) and mail duplication after
>>> filtering into a folder.
>>> The patch is right now only in master, and although seems to work fine
>>> for me, I could never reproduce the loss itself. If you are familiar
>>> how to build KDE from master, please do it and give it a test.
>>> You *must* restart akonadi after installing the new version.
>> Can you give a pointer to the commit?
Argh, wrong link, it is late here. Here is the correct one:
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