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Re: compositing not working after upgrade

Am Friday 18 February 2011 schrieb Tim Folger:
> Now the middle-button emulation works again. But compositing still
> doesn't  work. I had high hopes today after doing an upgrade, because
> I noticed that an update for xserver-xorg-video-radeon was available.
> But no luck after the upgrade--still no compositing. Same message from
> system settings: "Compositing has been suspended by another
> application."

Here compositing works quite fine

martin@shambhala:~> glxinfo | grep -i opengl
OpenGL vendor string: X.Org R300 Project
OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on ATI RV350
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 7.10
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20
OpenGL extensions:
martin@shambhala:~> lspci -nn | grep -i VGA
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 
[Mobility Radeon 9600 M10] [1002:4e50]

martin@shambhala:~> cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.6.37-tp42-rtime-00004-g9eb63ce (martin@shambhala) (gcc 
version 4.4.5 (Debian 4.4.5-8) ) #1 PREEMPT Thu Jan 13 10:59:19 CET 2011

martin@shambhala:~> apt-show-versions | egrep "(xserver-xorg/|xserver-
kde-window-manager/experimental-snapshots uptodate 4:4.5.1-0r2
libdrm-radeon1/sid uptodate 2.4.23-3
libdrm2/sid uptodate 2.4.23-3
libqt4-gui/experimental uptodate 4:4.7.1-2
xserver-xorg/sid uptodate 1:7.6+3
xserver-xorg-core/sid upgradeable from 2:1.9.4-1 to 2:1.9.4-2
xserver-xorg-video-radeon/sid uptodate 1:6.14.0-1

On a ThinkPad T42 with 2 GB RAM.

I suggest you to try out a quite recent kernel and that 6.14.0 radeon 
driver from unstable. More recent kernels have lots of dri related fixes, 
but the debian kernel team likely have backport at least some of these for 
2.6.32. And 6.14.0 has too although for me it worked with 6.13.1 as well. 
I just updated today

There is a 2.6.37 kernel in sid.

I do / did have some issues:

- sometimes - at least with radeon 6.13.1 - I got corruption with some 
messages in dmesg/kern.log about failure to allocate pages for TTM memory 

- sometimes the machine fails to hibernate due to lack of lowmem pages. I 
have to stop akonadi or something or even log out and try again

- I got the impression that sometimes compositing slows down (radeon 
6.13). Switching compositing off and on again usually helps here.

- There where very rare, but also very annoying lockups / crashes of the X 
server while running, mouse pointer would be frozen then and I have to 
restart X. I thought I head this more with libdrm 2.4.23 from experimental 
back. With 2.4.21 it seemed stable. Lets see how it goes with the newer 
2.4.23-3 from unstable.

With radeon 6.14.0 I see a slight corruption when I extend a window group 
in the taskbar. A triangle (vertex) at the edges of it seems misplaced.

Lets see how 6.14.0 fares. I will also test with kernel 2.6.38 as soon as 
I get it to compile, since then KMS page flipping should work for radeon. 
This should give a nice speedup due to swapping pointers instead of 
copying buffers and vsync synchronisation as far as I understand. Then with 
kwin from KDE 4.6 there should be another speedup as it roughly written 
should only rerender parts of the screen that are affected on effects.

Well aside some this I think I am lucky, cause my radeon hardware is quite 
well known and the R300g driver has matured more than the R600g one. Its a 
tad slow with current driver still tough. Between 2.6.34 and 2.6.36 upto or something like that I had very annoying hard lockups of the 
kernel - for that I ran 2.6.33 for quite a long time! Fixed meanwhile.

So for me right now it basically works, but still needs to mature I think.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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