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Re: akonadi

On 27/08/11 02:30, Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
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Are people here using akonadi or any of the tools using the akonadi
framework, in their regular workflow?
(Email, PIM)

No. (and thanks for asking)

Also, the same with Nepomuk. Are people using it or is it just sitting
disabled in everyone's config?

Yes (disabled, because it's too hard to remove)

- --
Given the large number of mailing lists I follow, I request you to CC me
in replies for quicker response


Much as I love KDE - in Squeeze at least, two of the biggest disappointments are akonadi and nepomuk/strigi.

At the very least it would be nice if they could be easily removed. Then maybe users would stop wasting time trying to enable it in SystemSettings, only to complain that it doesn't work, and that it's *very* poorly documented.

The 11 million euro[*1] question - why does Refinder[*2] work - but not Nepomuk??

What happened to the system documentation?? Did the dog eat it? :-(

Useless KDE Help entries
Duplicated kde4libs documentation *instead of* the docs for libnepomuk4, libnepomukquery4a (which don't document how things work, or what is required)
no mans, no infos
http://nepomuk.semantdesktop.org [sub domain doesn't function *3]
http://nepomuk.kde.org [not bad - be better if it was on the system]

least worst is /usr/share/doc/akonadi-server/README (which is next to useless). Duplicated (x5) "about kdepimlibs" *instead of* the various akonadi lib docs (which don't document how things work, or what is required)
no mans, no infos
[mission statement, diagram] directs to:-
[which could win awards for uselessness *and* it directs back to the previous page] http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdepimlibs-apidocs/akonadi/html/index.html [some developer documentation and a dead link to akonadi server documentation at http://api.kde.org/kdesupport-api/kdesupport-apidocs/akonadi/html/] http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/PIM/Akonadi [a semi-useful guide to things that are broken] http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi [six useful lines - and this is the best official document]

Obviously there is some good documentation 'somewhere' on how to enable the existing features of nepomuk and akonadi - or remove all traces of them. But where??


[*1] http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?CALLER=PROJ_ICT&ACTION=D&DOC=1&CAT=PROJ&QUERY=011ca2def8a7:ccd3:321e9807&RCN=79390
[*2] http://www.gnowsis.com/about/content/product
[*3] curl it to see why it doesn't work (sigh). and, why is it a non-transferable, non-renewable domain??

"When two or more people agree on an issue, I form on the other side."
— Bill Hicks

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