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Phonon gstreamer backend: no video?


Trying to play a video file that plays fine with dragon and the phonon xine 
backend, with the gstreamer backend dragon only shows a black screan and:

dragonplayer(12447) Dragon::VideoWindow::load: detected mimetype:  "video/x-
dragonplayer(12447) Dragon::MainWindow::engineMediaChanged:  update recent 
files list
dragonplayer(12447) Dragon::VideoWindow::play: Does this media have Video 
stream?  false

(This is with the latest Debian 4.5.2 KDE packages - which otherwise really 
work fine for me)

Sound works fine.

Going back to phonon-backend-xine (deinstalling the gstreamer backend) 
unfortunately doesn't restore video playing.  I can't see any error 
messages, but the video "plays" ultra fast (the scroll bar goes through 
ultra fast and an 1h movie is played in 10s) and the video display stays 

Sorry for the slightly confused bug report ... I'm not quite sure how the 
various components play together and where to get the relevant information.

-- vbi

Die Vergeßlichkeit des Menschen ist etwas anderes als die Neigung
mancher Politiker, sich nicht erinnern zu können.
		-- Marcel Mart

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