Re: Upgrading KDE 3.5.10 (lenny) -> KDE 4.3.1 (squeeze)
On Sat 2009-09-19, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> Are there already instrucitons how to do that?
Strap yourself in, type ...
# apt-get dist-upgrade -u
.. and feel the power.
> Is there already a list of apps which do not upgrade
> smoothly/automatically?
There's a few things - the implied xorg upgrade will break
your mouse & keyboard (perhaps), you want the gstreamer
audio backend rather than the phonon one (for amarok, at
the least), and certain applications you perhaps used to use
and love are gone (quanta & kdict are my two most missed
examples). There's a few packages that need to be installed,
but which might fall through the dependency cracks. Just
read all your error logs and messages (as best you can) as they
scroll past. (And remember - /etc/init.d/kdm stop - before you
I've written a list of my gripes and maintained it (mostly) over at:
I updated it a few weeks ago, but need to re-visit it, I'm sure.
There's a stack of those kind of web sites and postings
around the Net, though, so you'll doubtless be able to find
quick solutions (or at least explanations as to why this is now
a feature, not a bug) to whatever problems you stumble upon.
You can also peruse, of course, for the definitive
word (and occasionally some very handy workarounds - though often has more useful workaround information
I've found).
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