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Oddness with kopete after 4.3 upgrade

Since upgrading to 4.3.0, I have noticed that when I run Kopete, uses a huge amount of CPU:

21695 storm     20   0  151m  46m  30m R   65  1.1  26:58.02 kopete
24811 storm     20   0 27320  24m  624 R   18  0.6  87:45.15 dbus-daemon
24897 storm     20   0  512m 272m  10m S   17  6.7  70:13.97 lancelot
25687 storm     20   0  745m 383m  28m R    3  9.5 478:44.71 xulrunner-stub

And I can no longer open the menu in Lancelot. If I kill kopete, everything goes back to normal, and anything non-menu related works fine. Is there a fix for this?


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