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Re: Questions about KDE4

El Martes, 15 de Enero de 2008, Hendrik Sattler escribió:
> Hi,
> some people here obviously already tried it. I cannot (only one system
> without a CD writer) and have some questions:
> First: is it possible to try it in something like VirtualBox?

I'm not sure about VirtualBox, but my bet is yes. I've tried live cds with 
qemu, and they run normally.

However, I don't understand why you say that you cannot try it. There are 
plenty of ways to do it, without using a live CD at all:

* You can install the packages from experimental, if you use unstable.
* If you don't use unstable, you can install unstable in a chroot, and there 
install the experimental packages.
* You can compile KDE, or the parts you want, from source. It requires time, 
sure, but is pretty straightforward, specially since the move to cmake. And 
if you compile from the 4.0 branch, you can very easily get updates.

There are other possibilities, like logging in to a NX server with 4.0 
installed, although I'm not sure if there are yet public NX servers with 4.0 
(there were during the 3.x series).

> The KDE people tell about lots of features but leave a lot unclear. Like
> Phonon can reroute audio in a central way. However, does that require that
> applications actually use Phonon for audio, then?

Sorry, I don't know this.

> I am missing a overview over the state of applications: which ones are
> already KDE4 ready (completely, I mean) and which ones are hopelessly left
> behind and still at KDE3?

Well, its easy as that: there is no KDE PIM nor KOffice. The rest of the 
modules (multimedia, graphics, games, edu, etc.) are fully ported, and have a 
KDE 4 version. What is not included here, is applications in extragear (e.g., 
amarok or k3b). Extragear apps have separate release schedules. I've read 
that kplayer was ported, but I don't know about other applications.

> I can still run KDE3 applications on a KDE4 desktop but what happens to
> KDE3-desktop things like system sounds for such applications (arts is
> probably not staying around). Is dcop compatible with the new d-bus stuff?

I guess that arts will be running inside a KDE 4 session just fine, as the 
rest of KDE 3 services that also need to be running, and that normally one 
doesn't see, or is aware of their existence.

DCOP and DBUS are not compatible, and I remember threads in kde-core-devel 
that discussed ways of making the apps partly backward compatible. But I 
guess that was filled in the "cool, but not 100% needed/possible" category.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2
http://barnacity.net/ - Jabber ID: suy@bulmalug.net

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