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Re: backports of latest kde to stable 3.1?

Am Dienstag, 13. September 2005 12.23 schrieb Adeodato Simó:
> * Patrick Dreker [Tue, 13 Sep 2005 12:05:48 +0200]:
>   Oh, it's nice to have people backport latest sid KDE to the previous
>   stable release. :)
>   In order to avoid duplicating work, I want to point you to the work of
>   Tapio Kautto (see [1]) as part of the formerly-known-as-kalyxo project.
>   I recommend that, if you have some time you'd be willing to spend on
>   working on backports (that'd rock), you contact him and offer your
>   help.
>     [1] http://lists.kde.org/?l=kalyxo-devel&m=112617950500691&w=2
Thanks for the hint. Even though the same server, which now hosts my KDE 3.4.2 
backport, is the primary FTP server for ekhis.org (the project formerly known 
as kalyxo), this somehow went past me. %-)

I will contact Tapio... As I need the backports for internal purposes anyways, 
I could very well coordinate my work with ekhis.org to get "clean" backports 
with some support even...

> > Please note, that these KDE packages require updated dbus packages, which
> > are also provided in the repository. Due to changes in naming there may
> > be dependency conflicts with these packages and packages depending on
> > dbus which are not part of this repository. Any hints, reports or help is
> > appreciated.
>   Well, all of this is handled correctly in Tapio's backports, so
>   perhaps it's wiser for people to wait that these are officially
>   announced. YMMV.
OK, This really seems to be wiser, except, if you really, really wants to 
upgrade now, and don't mind having to sort it all out manually later. I will 
leave the packages up for reference and for those wanting to test them.

Patrick Dreker

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