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Re: dist-upgrade using http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/kde-3.4.0/

Thank you for your suggestion, Greg.

I changed my /etc/apt/preferences settings to yours, but that did not help.

However, I did manage to install I KDE 3.4 in a roundabout way as follows:

1. I renamed my default /etc/apt/sources.list file to /etc/apt/sources_perm.list.

2. I then made an /etc/apt/sources_KDE.list file with only the line

deb http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/kde-3.4.0/ ./

3. I symlinked /etc/apt/sources.list to /etc/apt/sources_KDE.list.

4. I did apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade with this file and was able to upgrade to KDE 3.4, with a few exceptions.

5. I then symlinked /etc/apt/sources.list to /etc/apt/sources_perm.list.

6. I then ran apt-get update and apt-get install to install additional files needed for the exceptions in step 4.

7. I looped between steps 3 and 6 until all KDE 3.4 packages were downloaded.

8. I exited after performing step 5 once more.

I still cannot understand why the presence of other lines in my /etc/apt/sources.list file should in any way interfere with the update to KDE 3.4 from the alioth.debian.org site.

I have attached my /etc/apt/sources.list file in case anyone can throw light on this.


25 May 05

Greg Madden wrote:
I just did this to my Sarge workstation. The only difference I see is my preferences file, and I used deslect to do the upgrade, no warnings though. I only have Sarge official sources , plus the ~alioth.debian.org source line in my sources.list file.

Package: *
Pin: release a=sarge
Pin-Priority: 700

Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 70

Dr R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
M018, Centre for Intelligent Information Processing Systems (CIIPS)
School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
The University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA
Phone: +61-(8)-6488-1905  Fax: +61-(8)-6488-1168
email: chandra@ee.uwa.edu.au
CRICOS Provider Code: 00126G
# Primary Western Australian Debian mirror
deb ftp://ftp.wa.au.debian.org/debian/ stable main non-free contrib
deb ftp://ftp.wa.au.debian.org/debian/ testing main non-free contrib
deb ftp://ftp.wa.au.debian.org/debian/ unstable main non-free contrib
deb ftp://ftp.wa.au.debian.org/debian-non-US/ stable/non-US main non-free contrib
deb ftp://ftp.wa.au.debian.org/debian-non-US/ testing/non-US  main non-free contrib
deb ftp://ftp.wa.au.debian.org/debian-non-US/ unstable/non-US main non-free contrib

# Secondary Western Australian Debian Mirror
deb ftp://ftp.uwa.edu.au/mirrors/linux/debian/ stable main non-free contrib
deb ftp://ftp.uwa.edu.au/mirrors/linux/debian/ testing main non-free contrib
deb ftp://ftp.uwa.edu.au/mirrors/linux/debian/ unstable main non-free contrib

deb ftp://ftp.uwa.edu.au/mirrors/linux/debian-non-US/ stable/non-US main contrib non-free
deb ftp://ftp.uwa.edu.au/mirrors/linux/debian-non-US/ testing/non-US main contrib non-free 
deb ftp://ftp.uwa.edu.au/mirrors/linux/debian-non-US/ unstable/non-US main contrib non-free 

# KDE 3.4.0
deb http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/kde-3.4.0/ ./

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