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Re: Konsole: Tab titles gnome-terminal style?

Thanks for this.

However, it is still not what I want.. Here's why:

1. It changes my prompt (which I'd like to avoid)
2. In vi, if I go :set title, only the window title gets set with the name of the file I'm editing, not the tab.

What I'd like is the tab to show what the window title shows...

But thanks very much!!


Robert Lindgren wrote:
in .bashrc add something like:

case $TERM in
    PS1="\[\033]0;\u@\h: \w\007\]\[\033]30;\u@\h: \w\007\][\u@\h:\w] "

to show user@host: path in each path and title. This is true if your konsole session had $TERM set to xterm of cause, and ofcause if you use bash.


Carles Cufi wrote:

Hi there,

I have switched from gnome-terminal to konsole since the latter is much much faster in my laptop (1.6 Ghz and gnome-terminal struggles!). I am totally satisfied with konsole except for one thing: the tab titles. When I have several terminal tabs open, and in each tab I am in a different directory or editing a different file with VI, I'd like konsole to show that to me instead of just showing "Shell No. x". In fact, I'd like konsole to do exactly what gnome-terminal does, which is to show in the tab title what you'd see as a window title once you click on that tab. Any clues on how to do this?

Thanks very much in advance!


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