Re: New to Debian and KDE not starting
On Thursday 17 June 2004 10:51 am, Alexander Ovalles Reinoso wrote:
> Hi... I am new to Debian and would like to contribute with a little note.
> I was having trouble starting KDE in woody... The error I got was something
> like:
> Cannot connect to X server...
> $DISPLAY is not set
> Or something like that.
> After searching for a couple of days and after reinstalling Debian 3.0 like
> fifteen times the confirmed solution was this:
> After installing (the last time) I ran dselect and installed all of the
> security updates available in (I did not have to
> write this myself because is configured in /etc/apt/sources.list)
> Of course, before I had to learn how to configure Debian Linux for network
> access.
> After that I rebooted and that was it!!!
> Kde runs very well and I did not have to tweak any config file as I tried
> without good results.
> Of course, I do not have a minimal clue about how it was fixed (Remember
> that I am new to Linux) ,,, maybe some new library was installed.
If you're a newbie, I suggest you stick with synaptic. It's a much easier
program for installing software than dselect.
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