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Re: default file permissions

Silvan wrote:
On Sunday 09 May 2004 05:10 am, Ulrich Fürst wrote:

I want to use the same mozilla-profile
for different users. But every knew file
gets the permission - r w - r - - r - -
 . So no other user can get write
access.  I found out that I should set

Where is the file? I don't run Mozilla, so I'm not familiar with that. Is it under /usr somewhere, or what?

It's under /home/.mozilla/ ...
In this directory and in subdirectories mozilla stores it's settings
and the mails and so on.
/home is on another partition mounted according to fstab:
/dev/hda5       /home           ext3
defaults,auto,nosuid,nodev      0       3

I really don't quite understand what you're trying to do. If you're having problems like this, it seems the files must be in /usr or some other system directory. I can't begin to imagine why you yourself as your user need to be able to write to /usr, let alone share files there among all your other users. This smacks of being dangerous and poorly-conceived. I'm not going to tell you how to do what you want without first making sure you're not about to do something regretable.
O.k.: I have three accounts on this desktop computer. The one for
root, one for me and one for my wife. I wanted to seperate the account
for my wife so she only has programs in the KDE-menue she will use.
And she's only one desktop but I use multiple Desktops in KDE. That's
why I seperated
the accounts.
But the problem I got with that is that we can't access files we're
both working on. E.g. files in /home/Dokumente/
As far as I could see, you're solution lead to being new files from
open office rw-rw--r-- That would be just what I want. The problem
with mozilla is that we have email accounts together.  Sure we both
want to be able to read
it. And the bookmarks-file should be for us both, too. So what I want
is that mozilla uses the directory
/home/.mozilla/ for storing its files for my wife as well as for me.
Mozilla points
korrekt to the directory but because my wife's account has no write
mozilla is deleting the bookmark file and creates a new empty one.
The permissions of the new file is
-rw-------    1 ulrich   staff       86910 May  9 20:11 /home/.mozilla/Gemeinsam/oeftg7hl.slt/bookmarks.html
-rw-------    1 birgit   staff       86910 May  9 22:30 /home/.mozilla/Gemeinsam/oeftg7hl.slt/bookmarks.html
according to who last started mozilla
(btw. it's mozilla 1.6 from backports.org)

Can you better define the problem in terms of specific files you want to be common among all your users?

want ( - r w - r w - r - ) . How can I
O.K. I have to change that! - r w - r w - - - -  would be even better.

change this, not only for mozilla but
for some other shared directories, too.

That's what I'm really not getting. *What* shared directories? Is Mozilla some bizarre exception to the rule that individual user config files belong in ~ and systemwide defaults are immutable? If you yourself need to write to anything outside of /home/you to use Mozilla, something seems badly out of whack.
I don't have to. Normaly mozilla would store it's files under
~/.mozilla/ but I thought it would be easier to share them when I have
them in /home/.mozilla/ so I changed the location of the files. Which
is by the way no hack but implemented in mozilla. You can use every
directory you have write permissions.

It seems much more likely that a better approach to this would be to devise some way to keep dotfiles (such as maybe ~/.mozilla) between your users in sync with each other, which could possibly be accomplished with far less potential danger to the integrity of your system.

Perhaps create a common user directory owned by your group, set with group rwx permissions, and create symlinks from individual user directories to the files contained in this common place. I suppose you'd still have to tweak your umask to make that useful, but it would be far less dangerous than giving everybody permission to write to certain files in, say, /usr somewhere.

O.K. but afaik a sym-link has the same permissions as the original
file. So when I create a symlink from a file with "-rw-------
ulrich:staff" (thats me and my primary group) has read and write
permission the symlink would have the same and not "-rw-------
birgit:staff" or "-rw-rw----". So I thought /that/ wouldn't help. Or
am I wrong with that?

TIA Ulrich

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