Re: KDE 3.2.0 Packages
El Martes, 3 de Febrero de 2004 22:53, Rafael Rodriguez escribió:
> El Martes, 03 de Febrero de 2004 21:27, Alejandro Exojo escribió:
> > So *yes* KDE 3.2 is now in debian :-) (at least kdebase)
> Don't get confused. What you're upgrading to is nothing but a new build of
> the 3.1.5 debian packages, version 4:3.1.5-2.
> Regards,
You're right Rafa, my fault:
alex@kenny:~$ dpkg -l kdebase | grep ^ii
ii kdebase 3.1.5-2 KDE Base metapackage
alex@kenny:~$ cat /etc/debian_version
Sorry, I was so excited with the dist-upgrade in woody :-(
Best regards
Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0xAA8D2A01 - Jabber ID:
BOFH excuse #20:
divide-by-zero error
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