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Re: k3b cdrecord

On Sunday 11 January 2004 21:08, Jean-Michel Kelbert wrote:

> I will do some modification to this package next week.
> (First I have a blog to setup, and I want to contact the maintenair
> so that Debian modifications can be integrated in the upstream
> sources.)
> Please send me what you intend for this package :
> -debconf configuration

I'm writing on-list so others can correct me if I'm mistaken. Here's 
what I think should happen on installation of k3b:

- Find out which devices are related to CD writers and readers.

- If they're not already, ask if their group should be set to cdrom.

- If permissions and group of programs used by k3b (cdrecord, 
cdrdao, ...) are not suitable, ask if they should be changed to 
appropriate values (group cdrom, but which permissions exactly?).

- If allowed, apply the changes using dpkg-statoverride.

- Display a list of users (whose home dirs are in /home) and allow to 
add them to group cdrom. This list should also be shown when upgrading 
and the list of users has changed. Notify that users added latter may 
have to be added to group cdrom manually.

I think(!) these are the required permissions and group

root cdrom 4750 /usr/bin/cdrecord
root cdrom 4710 /usr/bin/cdrecord.shm
root cdrom 4710 /usr/bin/cdrecord.mmap
root cdrom 4710 /usr/bin/readcd
root cdrom 4710 /usr/bin/cdrdao

/usr/bin/cdrecord is a shell script and thus apparently has to be group 
readable in order to be group executable.

> -"improve" k3bsetup2
> -both ? : Maybe it would be the solution.

k3bsetup2 doesn't fit in well with a debian setup. That said, I'd feel 
uneasy just leaving it out. Some suggestions

- Replace the generic message on the left hand side with something more 
debian specific. Something like "No need to fiddle with this. Use 
dpkg-reconfigure instead."

- Enable "Use burning group" and set the default to cdrom.

- For permissions and group align the settings k3bsetup2 suggests to do 
with the debianly correct ones (see above).


Michael Schuerig                  Those who call the shots
mailto:michael@schuerig.de        are never in the line of fire.
http://www.schuerig.de/michael/   --Ani DiFranco, "Not So Soft"

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