Latest kdevelop3 broken
I tried to update my kdevelop3 packages, and I found a small problem:
dpkg: error al procesar
intentando sobreescribir `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/kdevelop.png',
que está también en el paquete kdevelop-data
Sorry for the spanish output O:-).
It means that kdevelop3-data was trying to overwrite an icon that was in
kdevelop-data. I know that kdevelop 2 is a bit old, and will not be
mantained, but in the time KDE 3.2 is still a beta, I will be using both
versions of kdevelop.
I solved the problem changing to /var/cache/apt/archives and turning back to
the old packages:
dpkg -i kdevelop3*0cvs-20031106*
Norman, will be possible to fix this?
Thanks a lot!
Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0xAA8D2A01 - Jabber ID:
This is now. Later is later.
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