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Re: KDE 3.1.1 Fast as root but slow as User

On Tue, Apr 08, 2003 at 10:21:43PM -0700, Terry Milnes wrote:
> Here is the scoop. I added 32 more MBs of memory for the time being until I
> can go to town and pick up a stick of SDRAM 133. Also, I get an error when
> trying to chown root.root /tmp/.ICE-unix. It says something about no such
> directory. I added the hack to the xfree86-common initscript. Could this be
> a problem? Should I add it to bootmisc.sh as stated earlier?  TIA!!

Well, you'll have to mkdir it, first.

Daniel Stone 	     <daniel@raging.dropbear.id.au>             <dstone@kde.org>
KDE: Konquering a desktop near you - http://www.kde.org

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