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qt3-designer segmentation fault

I'm having several problems while trying to use qt3-designer. I'm not
sure if it is a bug or it's something I'm missing.

The first time I ran designer after an update (I'm not sure when), the
output was Segmentation fault. I tried to move the $HOME/.qt, and I
could load designer but without kdewidgets, so I edited $HOME/.qt/qtrc
and added the line:


I got the kdewidgets in designer, but when I try to use them in it
I get the nasty seg fault (no more info in the console output).

Any ideas?.


Sergio Rodríguez de Guzmán Martínez| Si eres paciente en un momento de ira,
sguzman@inicia.es                  | escaparás a cien días de tristeza.  
-=Debian GNU/Linux Sid=-   -o)     | -- Proverbio chino.  
Kernel 2.4.20               /\     | 
on a i686                  _\_v    | 
PGP Key www.nova1one.com/satai.asc | 
Registered Linux user number 279084

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