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Re: Xinerama support in Ralf's debs

On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 01:37:17PM +0100, Sebastian Kanthak wrote:

> I wonder, whether xinerama support is enabled in Ralf's packages for woody. It 
> is displayed grey in "control center/desktop/window behaviour/advanced".

Weird, here it's not greyed out, and can be selected.

I have "standard woody" and ralf's debs from 

deb ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/kde/stable/3.1/Debian/ stable main

and woody's XFree 4.1.0-16 configured to do xinerama on a
triple-head system. "Xinerama" manifests itself as the fact that
the whole desktop is "seemless" 3072x768, but maximisation only
makes a window as big as one of the screens, and new windows
(almost) always pop up in the screen where the mouse pointer is.
And the panel only resides in one screen.

So it seems to work...

> If I 
> start my laptop with xinerama and an external screen under kde (which works 
> just fine under other window managers) it more or less crashes: Only a small 
> subset of kde-elements is visible (a few desktop icons, part of the panel) 
> and it does not react on mouse or keyboard events. :(

Very strange. Before this "xinerama" option existed in kcontrol,
KDE (as any other X11 application) just treated the desktop as one 
3072x768 display. So, even if your debs didn't have support for
it, it wouldn't be necessary to not "more or less crash".

Andreas Trottmann
Ideen Werft22 GmbH
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