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Re: PDF wont print with Kghostview

On Friday 26 July 2002 02:54 am, Olaf Stetzer wrote:>
> At Linuxtag I asked somebody from the cups project, and he said, that
> most likely its a kghostview problem. Since there should be pdf filters
> installed for cups it might work if you try to print the pdf directly,
> with

I'm not convinced.  The day that Woody became the stable release, I had 
already done an "apt-get -t testing dist-upgrade", just like a thousand 
times before.  It upgraded some cups & related files, which I thought was 
odd.  Since then, cups has been non-functional.  It'll accept jobs, and 
the web interface shows the printers as being online and ready, but jobs 
never get to them.

In /var/log/cups/error_log, I get the following:
I [25/Jul/2002:14:58:07 -0500] Listening to 0:631
I [25/Jul/2002:14:58:07 -0500] Sending browsing info to c0a802ff:631
I [25/Jul/2002:14:58:07 -0500] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [25/Jul/2002:14:58:07 -0500] LoadPPDs: Read "/etc/cups/ppds.dat", 1056 
I [25/Jul/2002:14:58:08 -0500] LoadPPDs: No new or changed PPDs...
I [25/Jul/2002:15:00:33 -0500] Started 
"/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=8563)
I [26/Jul/2002:07:46:16 -0500] Started 
"/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=4967)
I [26/Jul/2002:07:47:28 -0500] Started 
"/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=4979)
I [26/Jul/2002:07:47:37 -0500] Started 
"/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=4981)
I [26/Jul/2002:07:47:37 -0500] Job 174 queued on 'Canon' by ''.
I [26/Jul/2002:07:47:37 -0500] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 4982) for job 174.
I [26/Jul/2002:07:47:37 -0500] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic (PID 4983) for job 174.
I [26/Jul/2002:07:47:37 -0500] Started backend 
/usr/lib/cups/backend/canon (PID 4984) for job 174.
E [26/Jul/2002:07:47:37 -0500] PID 4984 stopped with status 22!

This was after a remove & purge of cupsys and some dependencies, then a 
normal "stable" apt-get install of cupsys & overlay of old configuration 
files that hadn't changed (that I can tell) since before the upgrade.  
Before, previous "PID XXXX stopped with status 22!" messages referred to 
other filters.  

The error above may mean that I should delete the printer in question and 
re-install it, since the /usr/lib/cups/backend/canon backend doesn't 
exist, but I'm not convinced that something isn't broken in cups at the 
moment, possibly in testing/sid.

- Robert
Q:	Why do people who live near Niagara Falls have flat foreheads?
A:	Because every morning they wake up thinking "What *is* that noise?
	Oh, right, *of course*!

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