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Re: CD Writer for filesystems, & HD Backup SW HowTo - Recommendations please?

On Sun, Jan 27, 2002 at 12:28:40AM -0800, tluxt wrote:

> What is the best GUI CD filesystem writing sw avial that runs under KDE,
> either: 1) KDE specific, or 2) not KDE specific.

I like
	- kreatecd,
	- cdbakeoven,

both are available as .deb files from
> Also: What is the best backup sw to backup a HD onto a CD? (I haven't
> looked this up yet, myself.)

partimage can create a compressed HDD image (backs up only those sectors
that are actually used) which can be played back 1:1 to the disk.

If you only want a simple backup, "tar cvMzf /" is your friend. Or, if you
want to be a little more k3wl, use something like (NB: MUST be customized)

	#!/usr/bin/perl -w
	# Backup files, sort by size, so that in average a _single_ file
	# restore will be fastest. (biggest files last)

	use strict;
	require 5;      # needs perl5
	use File::Find qw( &finddepth );

	my @backupz = qw( /foo /bar /bletch/blort );
	my @nobackz = qw( .netscape/cache tmp scratch );
	my $regex = '/(?:' . ( join '|', @nobackz ) . ')/';
	my @filz = ();
	my $listify = sub { push @filz, [ $File::Find::name -s ]
		unless $File::Find::prune = $File::Find::dir =~ m{$regex}o };

	finddepth $listify, @backupz;

	open CPIO, "| cpio -o -Hcrc | bzip2 -9 --verbose > $backupfile" 
		or die "oops: $!";

	$, = "\n";

	print CPIO map { $_->[0] }
		sort { $a->[1] <=> $b[1] or $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @filz;
	close CPIO;

(quick 'n' dirty, don't sue me for syntax errors, it wasn't my idea
> Ie, I want to write a directory tree onto the CDs. (Like for doing data
> backup.)  For CD-R & CD-RW media.  You can make suggestions about for
> writing audio CDs also, but I really want to know about filesystem
> writers now.

You can use my 'makecd' script. Simple bash solution, call it like

	makecd $cd-label $DIRECTORY

if you symlink it to "makeimg", it will create an iso-image first and must
be called like

	makeimg $cd-label $directory $iso-image-file

You can then

	makecd test /mount/point

to test your burned CD.

It's available at www.jensbenecke.de/apps.
> This needs info about how to support IDE interface cd writers - so, what
> needs to be known about drivers?  (I remember something about needing an
> IDE to SCSI interface fake layer?)

Yes. Read the CD-Burning-HOWTO. It's all explained there, in good detail.

mfg, Jens Benecke
http://www.jensbenecke.de/ - Persönliches
http://www.hitchhikers.de/ - Europas Mitfahrzentrale (car sharing agency)

Politics is like a septic tank - all the big shits float to the top.

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