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Re: Printing in KDE - How best to - Konq, inkjet

Thanks for your help.  If you can answer these few more questions,
we might have the essentials for a 
"Debian/KDE/Printing Mini-HowTo or Install Guide section".  :)

--- David Bishop <tech@bishop.dhs.org> wrote:
> [I am writing this email in the mode of you also not being extremely familiar
> with how debian does things.  There's no shame there, it's big and there's a 
> lot to learn.  If you already know some of this, I apologize.]

Excellent presumption.  Actually, I could use slightly more detail, see
below.  :)

> On Friday 18 January 2002 03:04 am, tluxt wrote:
> > http://www.debian.org/releases/testing/i386/install
> > Has section:
> > 9: Next Steps and Where to Go From Here
> > Which doesn't have any suggestions about printing.
> Maybe file a wishlist bug report?

Thanks.  Good idea.  Once I get this working, I should do that.
> > So, specifically:
> > 1) What packages should I apt-get,
> > 2) How to install which drivers,
> > 3) etc.
> cupsys and cupsys-client should get you started.  I actually don't use the 
> gimp-print driver, but you can play around with it later if the quality isn't
> up to snuff with the default.  Once you install them, edit  
> /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.  It is *very* well documented, but I can send you my 
> file off-list if you need more help.  You don't mention if you have a single 
> workstation setup, or a server that will serve other computers, but either 
> way is a breeze.  cups is configured via the web, so once you edit the 
> config, and restart cups (/etc/init.d/cupsys restart), point any webbrowser 
> at http://server:631, and log on using the username and password that you set
> up.  Then (and now I'm going off memory) you click on something like "manage 
> printers", then "add printer", which will walk you through adding a printer. 
> Once you get done filling out the stuff it asks (printer type, port number) 
> you're done.  Try printing the test page, and if that works, just use lp or 
> qtcups (a seperate install) to happily print away.  Oh, and if you are 
> running kde 2.2.2, apt-get install kdelibs3-cups, goto the control center, 
> find printing, and add your printer in there, and "walah", all kde apps can 
> print to it.

My questions are for the simplest case: a stand alone workstation, 
connected to the internet through some means.

(One thing I am confused about:  I would like to know the procedure for getting
printing running with the KDE in Woody.

But, I am confused because it appears that you have described two ways to get
CUPS configured and the print driver installed: One relies on the browser
interface, one relies on using the KDE control panel.

Are these indeed two alternative methods, or are they different functions?  Ie,
does the browser based setup need to be done before the KDE CUPS control panel
stuff can be done?

Ie, is the browser method necessary for doing the CUPS setup, and then, once
everything is set up, the control panel interaction is used to make the KDE
system aware of how to let KDE apps access the printer that was set up in CUPS
(using the web browser interface to the CUPS system)? )

So, if I am running the 020118 or later Woody,
[The konq-help-about screen says I'm running Konq 2.2.1 on KDE 2.2.2, IIRC, and
I installed it about 1 week ago.]
do I need to do the browser based config, or can I skip that, & do all the CUPS
setup with the kdelibs3-cups procedure you mentioned at the end of your


OK, Please tell me, is this procedure _exactly_ correct?
(Are there any changes you suggest to this procedure?)

Here is what I have done so far:
1) Do a basic Woody install (including setting up networking access)
2) Install X  (from, I think it was Tasksel)
3) Install KDE (from, again, I think Tasksel)
4) At the command prompt, type "startx", then log into KDE. 

Now, for these next steps, do I just do these apt-get's, and answer any
questions asked, and that's it?  
Specifically: Do I need to do anythning here about dependencies/recommends/etc?
_Are_ there any deps/recs?  
If so, do the exact apt-get lines below install an appropriate set of
Or, do I have to do something else to get the deps/recs in?  If so, what?
Is this the complete set of what I need to apt-get?
Which would be best?  Should I apt-get these? Use dselect? Use tasksel?
(Is there a CUPS task?)

5) apt-get install cupsys 
6) apt-get install cupsys-client
7) edit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf 
   [Specifically: What kinds of changes will I need to be making here?
    Or, maybe you don't need to answer this question. Since you said
    the file is well documented, perhaps it will be obvious what I need
    to do once I get to this step.)
8) Restart cups (/etc/init.d/cupsys restart),
9) Point any webbrowser at http://server:631 .
   Log on using the username and password that you set up.
   Click on something like "manage printers", 
   then "add printer", which will walk you through adding a printer.  
   Fill out the stuff it asks (printer type, port number).
   Print the test page.

What (if anything) do I have to do to get lp available? (apt-get install lp ?)

Re qtcups:  
a) What is the purpose of qtcups?  What is it used for?
b) is the procedure to install it:
10) apt-get install qtcups

11) Use lp or qtcups to happily print away.  

Where is the doc on qtcups? man qtcups?  Does doc get installed automatically
into the KDE help system "contents" section?
Where do I read to find out how to use qtcups?  
Do you know a web page pertaining to qtcups?
  (Is it at TrollTech, KDE, CUPS, independent?)

12) If you are running kde 2.2.2, 
    apt-get install kdelibs3-cups
    goto the control center, find printing, add your printer in there.
    Now all kde apps can print to it. 

You didn't mention Ghostscript.  Is that necessary?  Will I be able to print
web pages from Konq without it, on a simple inkjet printer, using the above

Thanks again.  I know this is a lot of questions to answer!  Of course, no need
to make long answers - brief answers are probably fine.  (Ie, don't get
overworked!)  If you can take the time to answer them, I think you will have
saved me, and many future people setting up KDE printing, vast amounts of time.

(I will take your reply, try to generate a clean procedure, and post it here
again shortly, so we can get a great document created.)

(You don't need to reply to me directly - just to the list here.)

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