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Re: [ccheney@cheney.cx: libqt2 libpng2 resolution]

On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 01:27:04AM +0900, Junichi Uekawa wrote:
> "Steve M. Robbins" <steven.robbins@videotron.ca> cum veritate scripsit:
> > > How about libqt2-dev conflicting with libpng3-dev, or something like that.
> > 
> > That's a bit obnoxious.  Some folks might like to be developing code
> > that uses libqt2 and *other code* tha uses libpng3, on the same debian
> > box.
> It's only the -dev package, which is only required
> for the compile time, and I believe it is quite small, only
> with the symlinks and the static link files...
> Or better, libqt2-dev depend on libpng2-dev.

They generally Build-Depend on libpng2-dev, I believe. 

Daniel Stone						    <daniel@sfarc.net>
<JALH> hello? flood-join bots on the loose.
<InnerFIRE> ack it's the irc equivelant of slashdot users

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