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Re: Kde 2.2 Beta1

On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 12:24:37AM +0200, Franz Keferböck wrote:
> XAIPETE!  Im rather new to debian and especially to woody, but i want to
> use kde2.2beta on my linux box. the only kde2.2-debs i found were @
> ftp.debian.org (none at ftp.kde.org!!).  However, what do i have to do to

That's no wonder. The KDE people don't provide binaries. Never have. They
only provide FTP space for distribution binaries that don't have a central
distribution mechanism like Debian's apt.

Look at http://dot.kde.org/986933826/

> use the kde2.2-debs from sid on my woody-box? is there any apt-get - way
> executeable for a not-yet-debianexpert ;-)?  All the things in this
> thread seem to be moreless snippets to me, i'd need something complete...

Yes, if you are daring you can do the following:

* Upgrade apt to the current woody release (0.5.x is minimum IIRC).

* Write a /etc/apt/preferences that contains

	Package: *
	Pin: release a=testing
	Pin-Priority: 900
	Package: *
	Pin: release o=Debian
	Pin-Priority: -10

* Put _both_ woody and sid lines into your sources.list.

* Call apt-get update.

* Now what you install will be woody, but you can force unstable/sid by

  	apt-get -t unstable install kdebase konqueror 

  for example.

Jens Benecke
http://www.hitchhikers.de/ - Die kostenlose Mitfahrzentrale für ganz Europa

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