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Need some clear X windows documentation

Dear debian KDE users and developers,

I know this is slightly off topic, but after years of using Unix

and Linux, I still have barely a clue about how X windows works and

in particular how all the programs, configuration files and directories

fit together.

Every time I have installed a new Linux system , be it RedHat,

Mandrake and now Debian, I have just kept my fingers crossed and

hoped that it would somehow miraculously come together, and more often

than not it does, but when it does not work, I am lost.

 I have so far instlled one Debian Woody system, and

by luck I almost got a decent X Windows and kwm working, but there were problems

so I am tryed to reinstall 'woody', after coming to grief with an attempt at

'sid', but I  don't have a clue where to set up X windows.

(Actually I can make some sense of an XF86config file, but none is to be found

in /etc/X11/).

I had a go, during a dselect session, using a VGA based graphical set up

program, but could not control it because the wrong mouse settings had been

fed into it, from who knows where.

So what I am asking is:

1. what is a straightforward to go about setting up X-windows, and then

getting it to work with KDE?

2.  Is there clear straighforward documentation, somewhere,  that will give me

a simple picture of how X windows works on a Linux system?  ... something that

will tell me which files and directories and programs do what, and how do I

control them?

Thanks for your attention and TIA.


James Sinnamon  sinnamon@usq.edu.au

ph +61 7 46311490, +61 412 319669
PO Box 517 Darling Heights QLD 4350

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